Friday, December 16, 2016

The #FridayReads Review (12/16/16)

Welcome to The #FridayReads Review, a regular Friday segment where I share what I've been reading the past week, and what I'm planning to read next! Want to join the Friday fun? Post your own #FridayReads Review and leave the link in the Comments below, or just Comment with what you've been reading!

Prophecy (The Dragon King Chronicles, #1)The Library: An Illustrated History

Prophecy by Ellen Oh (PBK)
I haven't been feeling much like fiction this week, but this caught my eye so yesterday afternoon I just sat down and started it. The writing is a little hard to follow at times and the world a bit much to keep straight, but it's an interesting enough Asian fantasy so far.

The Library: An Illustrated History by Stuart A. P. Murray (HBK)
When my interest in fiction wanes, my interest in non-fiction grows. I love reading about books and libraries, so of course I immediately reached for this. It's rather heavy so it's been slow going (hardcovers, *sigh*), but so far so interesting! What I wouldn't give to have seen the Nineveh library...

Yona of the Dawn, Vol. 2 (Akatsuki no Yona, #2)
Yona of the Dawn vol. 2 by Mizuho Kusanagi (PBK)
3 StarsWhile this volume was a little better than the first because of the action and the basic plot is interesting, Yona is just so bland a character and THE STORY NEEDS MAGIC. Might give the series one more volume if I see it at the library, but Yona had better start growing a personality. Or at least discover some magic.

(subject to change with my ever-shifting reading whims)
Noragami: Stray God, Vol. 11
Noragami vol. 11 by Adachitoka (PBK)
I have 6 volumes of this backed up so it's time for a binge!

So what are you reading this week?

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