Monday, March 3, 2014

Review Hiatus: University Edition

Due to the amount of reading homework for my college class (which includes the daunting 850-page novel, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell), I've been unable to read much reviewable fiction, and have had very little time to work on the few draft reviews I have yet to post. 

The homework continues, and I'm making very slow progress on Strange & Norrell, so after putting you off several times in February I am officially announcing a review hiatus for the month of March. This will give me more time to devote myself to Strange & Norrell, and hopefully I will finish it this month and return to reviewable books before April!

I still plan to post regular Waiting On Wednesdays, The Friday Reads Reviews, and will probably participate in a few blog tours. I'm also planning to host several giveaways, including a birthday giveaway later in the month! But for the month of March, no Monday reviews. I apologize to my loyal Followers for this reviewing break, and thank you for sticking with me.


  1. I'm where your at at the moment :S Feels horrible not reading something I enjoy...
    Good luck though!

  2. I think that's a wise decision. I also had to put my blog on hiatus to stay on top of my university degree (I take English Literature so a lot of novel and critical essay reading also) though I'm not sure how much that has helped as I still find myself supporting other blogs! I must cut back (e_e)
    Best of luck with your work, and I eagerly await for when your reviews return! Later <3

    P.S. You've currently read 24 of 60 books!!! This year!!! That is incredible, you're almost halfway to your target and we're not even halfway through the year O_O
    - d e a d -

    1. Unfortunately most of those 24 books are hour-read manga - so far I've only read 3 novels. But luckily I only have a hundred or so books waiting for me to get around to right now. T-T

    2. Hahahaha!!! I hear ya! :3 well, technically speaking they still count. That's means you've read 21 manga O_O Goodness. Were many of them Pandora Hearts? =D

    3. Very good! 16 of them are Pandora. And it will soon be 17 as I just got my hands on Vol. 20! Goodness I <3 my libraries.

  3. Wow, and I thought I was backlogged with ten books to review! Good luck!
