Monday, December 19, 2011

Musing Mondays: Curses & Parasols

Time for another Musing Mondays question, brought to us by MizB at Should Be Reading:

"What's one book you always recommend to just about everyone?"

I can't think of a single book, but there are 2 series that I rave about to anyone who will listen:

The Curse Workers Series by Holly Black
(Bk1: White Cat, Bk2: Red Glove, Bk3: Black Heart)
Genre: Older Young Adult Paranormal
What if there was "magic" in the world - and it was wielded by the mob? This series follows Cassel Sharpe, a boy with a rare power, as he gets himself entangled in "the family business." The premise is original and fresh, the writing flawless, the characters extremely interesting and engaging, and the world perfectly woven. Person: "Can you recommend a book?" Me: "Well, you have of course read Curse Workers, right?" Person: "No." Me: "Have you been living under a rock?"

The Parasol Protectorate Series by Gail Carriger
(Bk1: Soulless, Bk2: Changeless, Bk3: Blameless, Bk4: Heartless, Bk5: Timeless)
Genre: Adult Alternate History Paranormal Steampunk
It follows soulless Alexia and her adventures dealing with secret societies, threats against the Crown, and fashion - not to mention vampires, werewolves, and ghosts (oh my!) - set in Victorian England (or thereabouts). Tea, steampowered contraptions, parasols, proper language, dirigibles, a bit of blood, octopi, and lots of flying fur ensue. The writing is flawless and witty, the characters are real and eccentric and way too much fun to follow, and the world is perfectly constructed - you simply can't go wrong with these books. And Gail is branching off from this world with two more series - be still my fluttering heart!

So what books do you always recommend?

1 comment:

  1. I love the Parasol Protectorate series but had not seen the other one before.
