Welcome to The #FridayReads Review, a regular Friday segment where I share what I've been reading the past week, and what I'm planning to read next! Want to join the Friday fun? Post your own #FridayReads Review and leave the link in the Comments below, or just Comment with what you've been reading!

Love in Focus vol. 2 by Yoko Nogiri (PBK)
Taking a breather from novels for a day or two and snagged this from the library. The series is a lighthearted love triangle story with cute boys and a different focus (photography), and although it feels rather familiar (boardinghouse love) I enjoyed the first volume enough to give the second a try.
>> ON HOLD <<

Zero Repeat Forever by G.S. Prendergast (ARC)
While I want to find out the mystery behind the aliens, the characters are so crude and the constant threat of violence and rape against the main female grates on my nerves. Only 34% through and on the fence if I'll try to finish.

Altered by Jennifer Rush (PBK)
3 Stars. Re-read. I will always be a sucker for a reverse harem story, but while it began strong with an easy writing style, the complicated mystery with all its odd little clues was too unrealistic to fully engage me. I also did not ship Sam/Anna, and Nick's violent hostility grated on me. Sadly no longer the favorite it originally was.
Illusions of Fate by Kiersten White (ARC)
3 Stars. Re-read for review. Although the bursts of violence were a little unsettling, an enchanting standalone in the vein of Howl's Moving Castle with a sweet romance, intriguing magic, and a strong main character you can't help but root for. Review to come.
(subject to change with my ever-shifting reading whims)
Avengers: Endgame
I really have no idea what I feel like reading next, but I do know I'll finally be seeing Endgame this weekend!! We just finished re-watching all the MCU movies in chronological order and are itching to see how it all ends.
So what are you reading this week?
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