Welcome to The #FridayReads Review, a regular Friday segment where I share what I've been reading the past week, and what I'm planning to read next! Want to join the Friday fun? Post your own #FridayReads Review and leave the link in the Comments below, or just Comment with what you've been reading!

Paper and Fire by Rachel Caine (PBK)
I couldn't settle on a novel to read so I decided to continue this series before I forgot absolutely everything that happened in the first book (it was a close call). While the writing is solid and I'm definitely invested, the constant thick tension strains my nerves so the second half has been slow going as I've taken multiple breathers to decompress. Will definitely be finishing though, and currently don't see why I won't continue the series at a later date.
The Ancient Magus' Bride vol. 2 by Kore Yamazaki (PBK)
I was in desperate need of magic so I decided it was finally time to re-read the first 10 volumes before the 11th releases next month. It is proving the breath of fresh air I needed from Paper and Fire and even better than I remember as I'm reading slower and noticing more of the nuances than before. Look for a Volumes 1-9 review to come soon!

Love in Focus vol. 2 by Yoko Nogiri (PBK)
3 Stars. The love triangle comes into focus for the previously oblivious main girl. I'm interested and invested enough to give the next volume a read.
(subject to change with my ever-shifting reading whims)

The Water Dragon's Bride vol. 9 by Rei Toma (PBK)
Discovered I have several manga series from the library I need to catch up on including Water Dragon's Bride, Anonymous Noise, Queen's Quality, and Royal Tutor, so I put them all on hold last week. There is now a large stack of manga in my immediate future and I'm excited to binge it soon!
So what are you reading this week?
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