Welcome to The #FridayReads Review, a regular Friday segment where I share what I've been reading the past week, and what I'm planning to read next! Want to join the Friday fun? Post your own #FridayReads Review and leave the link in the Comments below, or just Comment with what you've been reading!

Made to Kill by Adam Christopher (ARC)
Although a bit on the slow side, the premise is interesting and I'm enjoying the character voice.
Supervillains Anonymous by Lexie Dunne (PBK)
I only have, like, 30 pages left, but I can't seem to make myself read them. My nerves may need to rest a while before I can handle the final showdown.

3 Stars. A superhero/TV game show storyline that started rather serial but grew a tense and lengthy plot. Nothing spectacular, but relatively fun. I am now caught up on published volumes and will probably continue the series if I see new volumes at the library.

Time to re-read this beauty to prep for the final book! (And to finally write a coherent review.)
So what are you reading this week?
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