This Week's Best Episode:
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Saw everything coming and have already called everything coming up so no surprises for a while.
Blindspot: More and more we're growing weary of the main guy - we just don't like him for some reason. Enjoy the girl though, and the story continues to be intriguing enough for us to continue.
Castle: Better than the last Slaughter episode, but my biggest enjoyment comes from imagining how much fun the two actors must have being together again on a different show.
Elementary: Although I'm disappointed the other avenues for cases thread was cut after only one episode, and Sherlock is getting a little soft, Watson is becoming a serious badarse. The case was entertaining and the long-term developments interesting, so in the midst of a pretty blah TV week this takes Best Episode.
Fresh Off the Boat: Eddie's pieces continue to entertain. The little brothers stole the show as usual, though.
The Great British Baking Show: By the skin of her teeth Ruby continues into the final! At this point I'm calling Kim to win though, while Dad says Frances. But we both agree Ruby is the dark horse, and I would love to see her win.
iZombie: Just an okay case but some very interesting long-term developments. Definitely not on board with the romance, but I'm sure I'm the only one.
Last Man Standing: Called the main plot from the beginning but it was still funny.
Limitless: Interesting but surprisingly forgettable. I can barely remember what it was about now, typing this up a few days later. It was the one where his boss got arrested and her daughter's cousin was kidnapped by pirates, right? I think I enjoyed it well enough, although I did not approve of the completely unforeshadowed romance implications at the end.
Master Chef Jr.: Pending... (Movies = less TV time.)
The Muppets: Oh the things that can go wrong when the boss is away. Definitely one of the better episodes.
Once Upon a Time: The twist came as no surprise but I'm definitely looking forward to next week's 2-hour episode when we finally (hopefully) get all (or at least most) of the answers.
Person of Interest: Season Premiere Unknown
The Player: Pending...
Scorpion: Another exciting but intelligently inconsistent episode.
Supergirl: Dropped.
iZombie: Just an okay case but some very interesting long-term developments. Definitely not on board with the romance, but I'm sure I'm the only one.
Last Man Standing: Called the main plot from the beginning but it was still funny.
Limitless: Interesting but surprisingly forgettable. I can barely remember what it was about now, typing this up a few days later. It was the one where his boss got arrested and her daughter's cousin was kidnapped by pirates, right? I think I enjoyed it well enough, although I did not approve of the completely unforeshadowed romance implications at the end.
The Muppets: Oh the things that can go wrong when the boss is away. Definitely one of the better episodes.
Once Upon a Time: The twist came as no surprise but I'm definitely looking forward to next week's 2-hour episode when we finally (hopefully) get all (or at least most) of the answers.
Person of Interest: Season Premiere Unknown
The Player: Pending...
Scorpion: Another exciting but intelligently inconsistent episode.
Supergirl: Dropped.
Haven (Season 1): Continues to entertain me even more the second time. I have to struggle not to watch it instead of the week's new TV shows.

Inside Out: Began rough for me but once Joy and Sadness left Headquarters things were interesting enough to pull me through. Definitely made me tear up at several points. Favorite character: Sadness. Best part of the movie: whenever we were in anyone else's head (we laughed so hard and so loud we couldn't hear the movie - definite ROTFL).
Tomorrowland: I've been dying to see this, and for the most part it was even better than I'd expected - well, at least the beginning was. I really liked the "go out and make a better world today" message, but was disappointed with the whole climate change angle. Best character: Athena, no contest. Best part of the movie: Athena kicking butt in the beginning. Biggest confusion: Why was Tomorrowland so desolate when it wouldn't be affected by Earth being destroyed? I would've thought the opposite would happen...?
So that's it for this week! What did you watch?
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